Buchheit og Financial Times

Steingrímur Joð segir í fréttum Ríkissjónvarpsins í kvöld að skoðanir Buchheit kæmu of seint og því væri ekki hægt að taka mark á þeim.

 Hvers vegna var hann ekki kallaður til fyrr svo álit hans hefði eitthvað að segja. Enda skiptir það engu máli. Þetta er bara fyrirsláttur hjá Steingrími eins og venjulega.

Steingrímur er búinn að selja sálu sína í öllum stefnumálum VG og það vita allir sem að vilja vita.

Og hvers vegna í ósköpunum var lánatilboði Rússa ekki tekið á sínum tíma í valdatíð Samfylkingar og Sjálfstæðisflokks?

Leiðarahöfundur Financial Times tekur upp hanskann fyrir Íslendinga og segir að við eigum ekki að borga þetta og frændþjóðir okkar Norðurlandaþjóðirnar hafi svikið Íslendinga.

Rússar hafi verið fyrstir til að reyna að koma okkur til hjálpar og bjóða okkur lán.

 Það standi aldrei til að við fáum krónu að láni frá þessum svokölluðum frændþjóðum okkar né frá AGS, nema að við samþykkjum Icesave. Hann segir að það sé hér verið að fara illa með litla þjóð sem að hafi ekki stofnað til þessarar skuldar og geti ekki borgað þetta. Sjá eftirfarandi leiðara úr áðurnefndu blaði:

In the same boat

Published: August 11 2009 22:52 | Last updated: August 11 2009 22:52

"When the Dutch and British governments clinched Iceland’s agreement to reimburse savers in Icesave, the now-defunct overseas branch of Landsbanki, they did not count on the ire of Icelandic voters. The deal, stuck in an Althingi committee, is unlikely to gain the Icelandic parliament’s approval.

All sides are playing hardball. Iceland’s government sees the deal as essential to repair Iceland’s links with the rest of the world. It worries that economic lifelines from Nordic neighbours and the International Monetary Fund will be undermined by the lack of an agreement with Holland and the UK – who refuse to budge.

The £3.3bn Reykjavik agreed to reimburse is a paltry sum for most countries, but it amounts to more than £10,000 for each citizen of the subarctic island. This economic burden – about half a year’s economic output – for compensating overseas savers is similar to the cost to the British government of tackling a UK recession less severe than Iceland’s.

Some compare the plan to the Versailles treaty’s harsh demands of Germany. A better analogy is the 1982 Latin American debt crisis, in which even Chile, poster boy of Chicago School economics, saw the state take over a mountain of private debt. A decade of stagnation followed. The same could be in store for Iceland.

Would that benefit anyone? It would alienate the Icelandic people, already angered by Gordon Brown’s use of anti-terror laws to freeze Icelandic assets. Icelanders’ support for the recent application to join the European Union is rapidly cooling. The risk is an Iceland geopolitically adrift with its strategic location and important natural resources. Russia is no doubt paying attention: it was the first to offer Iceland economic assistance.

Moreover, there is a joint interest in bringing to light any murky dealings behind the bank collapse. A less confrontational relationship could foster collaboration on investigation – and recovery of assets – which Iceland does not have the resources to carry out alone.

There is plenty of blame to go around, beyond latter-day Viking raiders who built brittle financial empires. Icelandic voters repeatedly elected a government bent on unleashing financial liberalisation while letting regulators sleep on duty. But Dutch and UK authorities could have seen that Icesave’s high yields were only as safe as Iceland’s ability to cover deposits.

With more even burden-sharing for clearing up the mess, good neighbourliness may prove to bring more than its own reward.

Í lokin vil ég í lokin óska Fréttastofu RÚV til hamingju með það að hafa ráðið Kristin Hrafnsson sem fréttamann til sín. Facebooksamstaða og blogg á neti er greinilega farið að skila sér.

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1 identicon

MMm.........As far as I can see, talking to friends in the UK, the average UK citizen is getting a bit pissed off with the Icelandic Nation...........I might be wrong, but it seems all the Icelandic Depositors did not lose anything..........My account was closed in the old Landsbanki and opened in the new Landsbanki because my account was in Iceland. I did not lose a Kronur....All the accounts in the UK were closed........(Think.......If you were in Reykjavik...you were safe....If you were in an útibu(Kopavogar) you didn´t get a penny from the old Landsbanki...........The British Government paid the Icesave investors...........The Red Cross, Oxfam, West Yorkshire council and hundreds of charities and councils will  to sue Iceland individually if the Icelandic Government does not agree to pay back what was stolen. The stolen money was used to buy Yachts, private jets and other expensive items such as penthouses in London and New York. Some of it was use to buy Range rovers, luxus Jeeps, big american 3.5 ton ranch waggons, quad bikes, mobile homes, trailer tents, new homes, new summer houses, and lots of other items that the Icelandic Nation could not really afford. Some members of your Government are trying to blame the Dutch and the British for not stopping IceSave.........Can you imagine what would have happened if the UK Government had stopped Icesave....Your entire Nation would have been "Screaming ".......How dare the UK Government stop IceSave...........!!!! Your Government was warned but sat picking their noses and did nothing......NOTHING !!! Your Central Bank was warned but sat picking their noses and did nothing.......Your newspapers said, the British and the rest of the world are Jealous because of our succes.....Your President said "You ain´t seen nothing yet !!!" Well...we have seen it all now.........

The British and Dutch citizens could not care less who stole the money !!! all they want is that their money is paid back.......You really need to stop blaming everyone else for what happened in Iceland....Your Government....Your Gangsters........You really need to get the people whole stole all this money, and freeze their assets, and put them behind bars....Good Luck !!!

Fair Play (IP-tala skráð) 12.8.2009 kl. 23:56

2 identicon

Fair Play, please send this announcement of yours to Icelandic government. Yes I really want this men behind bars and that should have happened long time ago. We Icelanders are not satisfied how Icelandic Government have been playing this game, that's for sure!

But you must know that we, Icelandic people, are not responsable for the behaviour of some gangsters in Landsbanki in the year off 2007 -2008, so why should we pay? Sigurjón Árnason, Halldór Kristjánsson and co. are responsable for this, so that it theirs obligation to pay, but not ours. Icelandic people in our country is not responsable for this.

Þórkatla Snæbjörnsdóttir (IP-tala skráð) 13.8.2009 kl. 08:39

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